Your HomeGrown Magazine.
"A blast from the past, a glimpse into the future.
Glance through dazzling artwork and brilliant articles about your favourite herb."
Lee Harris, 2016
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HomeGrown Magazine. VOL.1 No.1 Collector's Edition. June 1977.
HomeGrown Magazine. VOL.1 No.1 Collector's Edition. June 1977.
In this premiere issue we present the most authoritative writers on dope-oriented subjects and an array of fine graphic art.
The Declaration of Evolution, a hitherto unpublished article written in the mid-sixties by Timothy Leary, is my favourite piece in this issue. Michael Hollingshead, who first turned Leary on, was on hand to guide me and came many times to my flat/office in Ladbroke Grove and I interviewed him, read LSD and the Mind Alchemyst. The lighted torch had been passed on to me, and I met through the polemicist and visionary Heathcote Williams, the two legendary authors of many books on drugs, both American expats, George Andrews and David Solomon, who I would see later that year in the dock, arrested during Operation Julie, the biggest LSD bust in this country.
As I was publishing Brainstorm Comix at this time I was in contact with many young talented graphic artists just out of art school. The Homegrown logo and cover was designed by Hamish Orr, and his class mate Chris Morton did the inside cover drawing. There are so many visual delights from Edward Barker, Bryan Talbot, Nick Kavanagh, Mike Weller, and the anarchic Antonio Ghura, whose spoof advert on the back cover brought me lawyers letters from a tobacco company. The centrepiece satirical cartoon has a racial slur which would not be socially acceptable in this age of political correctness.
Wonderful double-page of photographs by Ron Reid, with full frontal male nudity. We were breaking new ground in more ways than one.