HomeGrown Magazine. VOL.1 No.10 1981 International Special 10th issue.


HomeGrown Magazine. VOL.1 No.10 1981 International Special 10th issue.


This is my best and most professional issue of the ten, I'd learnt my trade or craft. Beautiful cover photograph by Tim Malyon, design by Don Irving, sixty-four glossy pages of style and culture. Fiction by Simon Gandolfi's The 100 Kilo Club; The Decline of the West, the Beat Generation Part Three, collages Edward Barker; In the City of Coloured Sound, poems by Kim Whybrow; Bibles in the Ganga Fields, photos and article by Tim Malyon; A Day in the Life of a California Grower, photos and Sinsemilla Buds colour centre-fold and text by Bud Reaper; Coffeeshop Amsterdam by Lee Harris, photos by Koos Swart; Tales of Tongue Fu by the American humourist Paul Krassner, illustrated by Trina Robbins; The Golden Dawning of a New Age by Harry Shapiro; The Curse of the Swamis of Kataragama, an open letter by Sive Kalki Swami; Marijuana Botany and other drug books reviewed by Don Irving; Smokey Bears, 3-page comic, letters and campaign page. 

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